Walking Speed & Lifespan

Correlation between Walking Speed and Lifespan (Walking Speed Never Lies)

As walking speed slows down year by year, the approaching period of death becomes evident. If lower body muscles weaken, people will undoubtedly die sooner. A 21-year follow-up survey of 34,000 people, half of whom have disappeared. Walking speed proved to be the most accurate way to determine the life expectancy of these 1,700 individuals.

In other words, it is said that walking faster extends lifespan. (Speed is more important than walking time or distance!) Specifically:

  • At age 65, if walking speed is 0.2 m/s (0.7 km/hr), males have 8 years to live, females have 12.
  • At age 65, if walking speed is 1.1 m/s (4.4 km/hr), there are 20 years to live, or until age 85.
  • At age 65, if walking speed is 1.6 m/s (5.7 km/hr), there are 43 years to live, or until age 108.

Of course, walking also requires energy. If sitting is considered as “1”, standing consumes 1.2 times more energy, walking 3 times more, and climbing stairs 8 to 9 times more.

Reference: “Muscle of Kyoto University” by Prof. Toshio Moritani