Quantum Mechanics & Spirituality

Surprising Correlation between Quantum Mechanics and Spirituality
Quantum mechanics, the latest science, and spirituality might not seem to have any similarities; however, they both involve waves, frequencies, and energies.
Frequencies cannot be seen with the naked eye, making them difficult to acknowledge.
The reason why there is no explanation about spiritual phenomena using quantum mechanics (science) is because there are few individuals who possess knowledge of both quantum mechanics and spirituality.
Additionally, the understanding of quantum mechanics has not yet fully developed to encompass spiritual aspects.
Quantum Mechanics for Flower of Life: PureVibes™
Quantum mechanics is a science that studies the behaviour of wave/particle properties (matter and energy) that cannot be seen even with a microscope, such as elementary particles (smaller than atomic nuclei and neutrons) and quarks. It asserts that everything in this world is made of waves/energies.
For instance, sunlight appears dazzling to the eyes because photons (light particles = electromagnetic waves) enter our eyes. These electromagnetic waves (photons) covering the Earth affect not only humans but all living things.
Photons exist in a state of waves but are generally expressed as particles. Moreover, each photon has its frequency, and this wave can carry a wealth of information, such as those utilized by smartphones, TVs, FM/AM radios, etc. Needless to say, countless frequencies are constantly passing through the walls of buildings, our faces, and our bodies. We recognize them when operating PCs, radios, smartphones, or WIFI.
German theoretical biophysicist F.A. Popp stated, ‘Consciousness is light; (The same goes for emotions).’ It has been demonstrated that atoms in the cells of our bodies emit faint light particles called ‘biophotons’ simultaneously in the form of particles and waves.
For example, when experiencing positive emotions such as ‘feeling happy’ versus negative emotions such as ‘feeling sad,’ the emitted frequency (Hz) differs. Positive emotions emit higher frequencies, while negative emotions emit lower frequencies. The sight of someone with a happy smile can induce happiness in others, reflecting the reception of high-frequency elementary particles.
In a room, when someone is irritated or sad, their mood can often be felt by others; this phenomenon is understandable. Expressions like ‘thought becomes reality’ or ‘wish comes true’ are not merely ‘spiritual phenomena’ but ‘scientific phenomena’ influenced by elementary particles, irrespective of whether the consciousness (thoughts) is negative or positive.
In scientific experiments, waves can instantly transform into particles merely through conscious observation (frequency) but what about the atmosphere in a human environment?
Frequencies not only affect people; scientific experiments have proven that photon/elementary waves can be instantly transformed by our consciousness and observation. ‘The Double Slit Experiment’ is a famous experiment in quantum mechanics, shrouded in mystery with its reasons yet unknown. If interested, please explore it further.
This mysterious and peculiar experimental phenomenon demonstrates that by simply opening our eyes and being conscious and observant, we can become a catalyst for instantly transforming waves into particles. Remember, photons (elementary particles), invisible to the human eye, can react to waves and change movement effortlessly.
In other words, if we could alter our consciousness (frequency), we could potentially change our vibrations and promptly transform a heavy atmosphere into a brighter one. However, for us humans with lower vibrations (frequency), effecting change may seem challenging due to self-imposed limitations and blocks in reality.

Gratitude, Love and Relaxation are all considered to be the highest waves (frequencies).
- Gratitude: a sincere feeling of appreciation for what already exists and to what has been given, and intentionally focusing on awareness.
- Love: compassion for others and respect for oneself.
- Relaxation: by receiving the wave energy of the device (PureVibes™).
Einstein indirectly defined ‘how thoughts become matter’ within the realm of Zero Point Field (ZPF) in quantum mechanics 100 years ago, not only in the spiritual world. Zero Point Field has been interpreted and explained in various ways by other scholars.
In my opinion, we connect to the Zero Point Field when we pray, feel gratitude, relax, or love; and receive calm, rich, and harmonious feelings, information, and energy. However, if you do not maintain a high level of awareness and sensitivity to recognize ZPF, your gain from it will be limited.
This is the reality that our consciousness (Photon: Light) creates. When you emit the frequency (Hz) of ‘joy (smile)’ and ‘gratitude’, people with ‘love, joy, gratitude Hz’ will be drawn to you. This is most evident when you are excited and happy, appreciating the riches you have (hearing music with your ears, seeing the world with your eyes, reflecting on your life’s journey, etc.) and things worth being grateful for. It emits vibrations (frequency/waves) from itself, increasing its brilliance and affecting its surroundings.
This is not a delusion, but a fact taught by quantum mechanics. If you want to improve your current life or become the person you aspire to be, change your consciousness (frequency/photon) to gratitude, love, and joy; transmitting the highest frequency Hz (wave). Then, a reality will manifest for you that fosters even more gratitude. This reality (the transmitted frequency/Photon) reaches the media of radio and TV, materializing as sound and screen.
The more you fill your heart with gratitude, love, and relaxation (by releasing heavy emotions unique to Earth), the richer your time and space (parallel world) will become, and the easier it will be to achieve your goals and wishes.
By understanding this quantum mechanical truth and aligning with the spiritual explanation provided below, your consciousness and perception will change.
Holding Imagination (consciousness) and Emotions Simultaneously to Emit Electromagnetic Waves (Photons) to Manifest Reality
The secret to increasing the likelihood of certain phenomena occurring through visualization (consciousness) lies in firmly holding both the imagery and emotion simultaneously. This is because “electromagnetic” combines “electro” (electricity) with “magnetic,” where “electro” represents consciousness (image) and “magnetic” represents emotion.
For instance, if your career is flourishing, you have a loving partner, and you reside in a splendid home, envisioning a happy family generates the ‘electro’ aspect. Simultaneously, feeling grateful and joyous releases the ‘magnetic’ emotion, reinforcing the manifestation process. Consequently, both imagery and emotions emit electromagnetic waves (photons), materializing and becoming tangible.
Conversely, individuals who feel unworthy may visualize a happy family but struggle to evoke feelings of happiness and gratitude due to negative self-talk. Without these positive emotions, electromagnetic waves are not generated, hindering manifestation.
An intense materialization phenomenon occurs only when both the image and emotion are firmly held simultaneously. Gratitude serves as the key to effortlessly raising vibrations and frequency.
Upon using the Flower of Life: PureVibes, your vibration, frequency, and energy will increase, inducing deep relaxation and timelessness. Heightened sensitivity may lead you to perceive vibrations reaching weaker parts of your body. Expand your consciousness to embrace gratitude, the enigma of life, and a sense of exhilaration.
Decades of stagnant reality and unchanging surroundings are often attributed to one’s waves (elementary particles, frequencies, and energy). Consciousness (waves/frequency) precedes phenomena.
Although it may sound daunting, you are the architect of your reality. Recognizing and acknowledging this truth is pivotal in steering your life’s course.
When my master imparted this wisdom to me, I initially found his words stark. Yet, embracing this truth facilitated smooth navigation through reality’s currents. Should you choose to awaken to this opportunity, the universe will provide support.
The universe is not saying that you are at fault, so please don’t misunderstand that you are to blame. This is a message of blessing, indicating that you have the power and the initiative, so if you choose, you can change your current reality.
Therefore, there is absolutely no need to blame yourself.
On the contrary, you should appreciate, praise, and care for yourself for how well you have done so far. With that, recognize the need to shift your consciousness (i.e., raising your vibration, frequency, and energy).
If feelings of frustration, resentment, guilt, or stagnation persist, release those heavy emotions (low frequencies) continually to achieve harmony. With Earth’s vibrations growing lighter, letting go is more feasible than ever.
Despite feeling like an endless process akin to peeling an onion, releasing heavy emotions diminishes their hold over time. You will experience heightened ease, diminished stress, and a return to your inherent lightness and joy.

The Frequency Changes and Reality Changes Along Automatically
Then, even if you don’t try to change reality, reality changes naturally. You will succeed even if you don’t want to, and it will work even if you don’t try to make it work.
Because if you realize that you created all of your reality and gradually remove the heavy negative frequencies, reality will naturally move smoothly. This is integration. It will no longer be affected by surrounding disturbances.
What do you think? Don’t you feel excited?